About the project

2. My role




UI Kit

UI Design

Target audience – young people and young families, who are responsible, active and like to travel.

Basic user requests:

1. They don’t want to inconvenience their friends with requests for sitting their pets

2. Not ready to give pets to people who don't know how to handle them

3. They want to know in advance what conditions the pet will be in

User stories

I had a task to develop an MVP app for finding pet sitters. The service must take into account the distance to the place, the experience of the sitter and the reviews of other customers.

Find the

purr-fect sitter for your pet

  1. Customer Journey Map

4. User Stories

As an application user, I want to see the sitters' locations on the city map in order to choose the optimal place near my home, work, park for walking, individual preferences, etc.

As a person who adores my pet, I want to be able to filter sitters by many criteria because I want to choose the optimal pet-sitter.

As a person who cares about my pet, I want to see what treatment my pet will get, who is the person who will look after her, how people review this sitter and how much it will cost, because I want to choose quickly the best one.

As a user of the application, I want to make an application in the application indicating the timing and parameters of the animal in order to promptly receive an answer and continue the search, if necessary.

As an application user, I want to be able to view the history of past overexposures in order to be able to quickly submit a repeat application.

As an application user, I want to have access to my personal account to see what information about me and the pet sitters see, and update it as needed.

5. Search for a visual style

First iteration

Second iteration

The Finger Paint font adds playfulness and laugher to the design. In contrast, Lato is one of the most popular font all over the world, modern, calm and understanable.

H1 Finger Paint Regular 20

H2 Lato Semibold 20

H3 Lato Regular 16

H4 Lato Regular 12

H5 Lato Regular 10

But the style turned out to be heavy, since the entire background was filled with color. As a result, I chose a more bright palette with white main background:

6. Visual design

Thank you!


© 2025 Anna Kholyavko